Climbing in Oukaimeden - Topos and First Accents
Find out more on how to navigate climbing in Oukaimeden, and how to add your first accents to the area.
Imik Simik is responsible for the development of the climbing area in Oukaimeden.
There is an app, suitable for both IOS and Android called Rakkup, which you can download.
Once the app is dowloaded, search: "Oukaimeden" and you can purchase the app. The app has a built in GPS tracker, climb photos and descriptions and is regularly updated.
Oukaimeden is exploding, with over 100 first accents being added to the area in April alone.
If you are interested in writing up first accents, it is the perfect place to visit!
To find out more about the the app, or to write up your own first accents:
Message Imik Simik on WhatsApp: (0031 6 34 20 89 34)
Email them at:
Alternatively, find out more at